December 20, 2022
Downtown Monson Mural
Call for Artists
Monson, MA 01057
Deadline for receipt of materials: March 1st, 2023
The Town of Monson, Massachusetts, is seeking proposals from qualified artists to design and install a new mural at 115 Main St. This project is made possible through funding by the Regional Economic Development Organization (REDO) grant program. The total budget available for the project, including materials, expenses and artist commission, is $16,400. Guidance for the creation of the mural will be provided by the Town of Monson, the Monson Arts Council, and the public art subcommittee of the Monson Business and Civic Association (Monson BCA).
To see the full text of this call for art, visit MYMONSON.ORG and go to TOWN/PROJECTS.
For a full street view of the site, click here: