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Spring Art Show 2025 – Juror Biographies

In alphabetical order . . .

Beverly Hanson

Beverly Hanson studied art beginning in HighSchool and began her career as a commercial artist and then as an art teacher.

She returned to school to study for her MLS at Wesleyen University, a transformative period that moved her from traditional realism to the exploration of contemporary art.  The exploration of different mediums and methodologies enabled her to find her own voice.

Beverly was one of the 1st artists in the Indian Orchard Mills community.  She has had numerous individual shows and has been awarded prizes in juried shows.  

Her current work are abstracts in mixed media combining water color, acrylic or  encaustic.
Her work continues to evolve with her enthusiasm for seeing the world in new and imaginative ways.

Gretchen Holesovsky

Gretchen Holesovsky was introduced to watercolors in her 20s and fell in love with the medium. During her 49 years of studying, painting and teaching, Gretchen has won prestigious awards and is published in Splash 10: Passionate Brushstrokes (Splash: The Best in Watercolor). She has earned membership in many watercolor societies, including New England Watercolor Society, Northeast Watercolor Society, Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, and Audubon Artist Association. Gretchen’s repertoire over the years conveys her love of nature, texture, light, and realism. She uses various techniques to bring her images to life, using Color, composition and light as the trifecta she applies when creating her pieces.

Gretchen resides in Belchertown, Massachusetts, where she grew up, surrounded by nature and the beautiful Quabbin Reservoir. She teaches both beginner and intermediate watercolor classes, sharing her lifelong passion and knowledge of the medium.

Barbara L. Green

Barbara  Loescher Green came to the USA in 1952 from war torn Germany. After earning a MA Degree, her love for drawing led her to pursue her artistic career, initially specializing in watercolor painting. Constantly curious and learning , she was eventually led to explore paper as a medium that can be a surface, collage or spun and woven into 3D works. Barbara also works in mono-printing and book making as well as large scale paper installations.

Barbara has been exhibiting work for over 50 years. She is a past president of the Rhode Island Watercolor Society, and is currently a member of the group 19 On Paper. Her works have been included in the National Watermedia Exhibition, Golden, CO; North American Open, New England Watercolor Society, Boston, MA; Watercolor USA, Springfield, MO; National Watercolor Society, Los Angeles, CA; American Watercolor Society, New York; The Art of Paper Award Finalist Exhibition, in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, Montreal and Quebec, Canada. Her work can be found at and on

Monson Arts Council